Happy New Year! Of course, while I am cooking that southern ham hock (what part of pig is that? :) and beans for New Year's Day (and cornbread), I am reflecting back on 2011. I know...I know..I need to look ahead, but I need to look back to see God's hand (and my hands messing it up plenty of times). I am such a forgetful person (not sure if it is the age or the wanting to forget some things); but this is what I don't want to forget.....I made it through reading the entire Bible; Had the privilege of discipling Robin and Eddie (so proud of them); completed monthly book reviews for BFG class; Took enough antibiotics and prednisone to kill a horse (but kept going and going and going); Started family prayer time one night a week with Caleb in April and we've kept it up; Survived a tornado; Got to go to Seattle and Dallas for Randall House doing seminars and getting paid to talk (loved it); Watched another Warrior Dash, in other words did not participate; Enjoyed beach and got to go with the Sullivan's; Attended Merge and lived through it again; Helped sister with Jared's beautiful cupcakes, I mean wedding; Celebrated 25 years of Wegener's and healing; Found out that Anna and Chase are having a baby girl (still waiting on Lila); Caleb got a deer with my car but was not hurt (not true about buck and my car); Memphis crew became part of our family; fell and sprained my knee; got sick in Ecuador but managed to still finish out trip and get to do the training. Of all the things God did through me and in spite of me, I am once again humbled that He picked me and all these events. Sounds so cliche'. But I refuse to look ahead without acknowledging God's hand in the past. Did I always like it (especially the death angel visit when sick in Ecuador...ok I am dramatic)? No, but I cling not to the past but to the faithfulness of God. Because if I did not believe He was faithful, I wouldn't even think about 2012. Oh yeah, 2012....I almost forgot :)