While trying to find a pix for my blog, I remembered this photo. Something got into Kevin's chicken house, so he borrowed a camera and caught this stinking raccoon. (Excuse the mess in Kevin's barn.)ha You know why I like this photo? It is a great reminder of how sin is. We get caught every time. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually it happens. Do I wish I had a camera on me that would show me my sin? My first answer to that is NO! That doesn't make for a great picture. But my second answer is YES, I don't want anything to come between me and God and that's what sin does. Don't even ask me if I have ever gotten caught - Don't even ask me how many times (too many times to count). But you can ask me, What was it like when you were forgiven?
By the way, don't even ask me what happened to this raccoon!